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About us


How It All began


British Crown Jewels

British Crown Jewels

Our Story

Filthy Rich was originally established in 2003 as a museum in Orlando exhibiting replicas of the British Crown Jewels. While looking to expand, a replica of an iconic pendant worn by Marilyn Monroe was introduced. This piece quickly became the centerpiece of our collection, drawing more attention than the original exhibit. This led to a shift in our business direction, leading to the creation of Filthy Rich as we know it today.


Since then, Filthy Rich has grown exponentially, evolving from a local attraction into a globally recognized brand. We've introduced our jewelry to some of the world's most iconic entertainment destinations.

Filthy Rich now has a prominent presence in Universal Studios, with our collections available in over 40 locations across Universal Orlando and Universal Hollywood Parks and Resorts.

We’ve also teamed up with Madame Tussauds to offer our collections at various locations across the U.S. and London, with plans for continued expansion across their global network.

Most recently, we’ve partnered with WHSmith to offer our collections at the Welcome to Las Vegas stores.

But Filthy Rich offers more than just affordable, stylish fashion jewelry and accessories. We’re passionate about bringing excitement, individuality, and fun into fashion. From sophisticated collections to playful pieces like our candy, dinosaur, and donut-themed jewelry, there’s something for everyone.

With our ever-expanding  presence and commitment to innovation, Filthy Rich is set to continue its global journey, offering a bold, fun approach to fashion and jewelry that makes a statement wherever we go. 

The future is bright as we continue to grow, solidifying our position as a leader in accessible, fashionable jewelry.